Science is Elemental is a member of Maryland Nonprofits. This post is going to sound like an ad for Maryland Nonprofits. I promise you I have not been paid by them. I am just really happy that SIE joined.
Why write a post about Maryland Nonprofit?
Maryland is a small state. Chances are, if you are reading this, the nonprofits you support, are a member of, work at, or otherwise care about are not based in Maryland.
I do not know if the states in which the nonprofits you care about have similar organizations. I am writing this post to encourage people involved with nonprofits to seek out and join their states’ equivalents. And definitely, if you are involved with a nonprofit in Maryland, learn what Maryland Nonprofits has to offer. I am also writing this post to encourage those interested in starting something like Maryland Nonprofits in other states if they don’t yet exist.
What do I like about Maryland Nonprofits?
These are the services/events I have used/participated in so far. First and foremost, for a flat fee, Maryland Nonprofits will provide legal services to get an organization through the process of applying for 501C3 status with the IRS. That service also includes applying for tax free status in the state of Maryland.
I have also participated in New Executive Director’s Roundtables. OK, to be fair, I’ve only been to one. I would like to go to more, but I end up with conflicts. I’ve also been to a virtual fundraising coffeehouse, and plan to go to more of those, too.
This week, I attended their Membership Appreciation Night. In addition to a very nice, festive atmosphere, it was a really productive networking event for me.
Finally, Science is Elemental is signed up for the nonprofit development program, as a new nonprofit. That membership also includes logins for my board, and access to a tremendous amount of educational and other materials.
What else?
I am sure there is more, and I am sure I am not describing these programs as well as someone from the organization could. I’m just letting you know how I have found Maryland Nonprofits to be useful. If you are associated with a nonprofit in any state, I encourage you to check into these types of organizations. Running a nonprofit is like running any other business, except for having even more rules. It helps to have help.