Today’s post is about giving thanks and moving forward. It includes comments about my efforts regarding science education to date. In addition, I include how I will spend these next few weeks between Thanksgiving and the New Year.
I hope everyone reading this who celebrates enjoyed their Thanksgiving, and that all others had a great week, too!
Giving Thanks
At our Thanksgiving table, one person asked that we each name something we were thankful for. My daughter added, “we should not just say friends and family.” Even though so many people are grateful for the people in our lives, she wanted everyone to be more specific.
When it was my turn, I said, “I am thankful for all of those people who have supported me in my new effort, many of whom are at this table.” If you are reading this blog, I count you as a supporter and I am thankful. I am even more thankful if you entered a comment, or told anyone else about the blog and my efforts.
There are many others. People who agreed to serve on my Board of Directors or my advisory board. People who are taking a chance on me, and are willing to listen to my proposals, and even act on them. I am much obliged to all.
Moving forward
While I give thanks for the support so far, and for the progress I have made, it can’t end there. I am on the brink. In the next few months, I will need to do far more than just propose ideas. I will need to make those ideas come to fruition.
Designs for camps will translate to teachers, campers and two weeks of learning about science. Plans for websites will turn into volunteers trained in web safety, the criteria for additions to those websites, and the actual websites themselves. Ideas about books and scientists will turn into text and illustrations.
All of these will happen, but only if I and supporters and volunteers make them happen. It is exciting and scary all at the same time.
The next six weeks
I give thanks for the respite that the craziness of the holidays provides. While I expect to make progress between now and the New Year, I know that progress will slow as we go further and further into December.
I plan on using this time to do everything I can to prepare for all the activities that Science is Elemental will be involved in. National Novel Writing Month ( is over. I hit 50,000 words. Now it’s time to devote my energies to making sure my ideas move forward.