Integrated Science Workshops

If your school, after-school program, or camp is looking for cool workshops that integrate science with activities kids love like art, music, and sports, you have come to the right place!!!

Click here to contact Ann Miller for more information.

Music and Vibrations

This workshop introduces the concepts of wave motion, wavelength, tone, volume, and how music flows and tells a story. In the weeklong version, students gain engineering experience through building a tunable and playable stringed instrument!

One-time workshop or weeklong camp!

The Biology of Perception and Illusion

In this workshop, students will examine both conscious and unconscious perception. They will learn how our body perceives through the senses and the nervous system and create their own optical illusion. 

One-time workshop

Science and Soccer

This workshop is best done outdoors but can be adapted to a large indoor setting. We introduce the concepts of force, acceleration, power, velocity and for those students ready, vector. These concepts are applied to various aspects of playing soccer, and the kids get a lot of “feet-on” time. 

One-time workshop or weeklong camp

Energy and Environment

Describe your product or give more information.

One-time workshop expandable to additional sessions

Martial arts: Force and Momentum

This is a no-contact marital arts workshop. Students strike a pad, not other students. The workshop introduces the concepts of acceleration, force, potential energy and kinetic energy, along with the use of a data collection device. Students analyze the collected data. 

One-time workshop expandable to additional sessions

Inside a Computer

Students learn the logic that allows computers to work by forming human logic gates in teams to reach specific computed results.

One-time workshop

Flight and Sail

The students in this workshop will explore the physics of flight and sail, through hands-on activities. They will learn about lift, drag, Bernoulli’s principle and buoyancy.

One-time workshop

Physics of Resonance: Sound and Music

This workshop uses hands-on fun activities to introduce the concepts of waves, resonance and constructive interference.

One-time workshop

Friction and Tension: Fabric Arts

Students in this workshop learn about the concept of force, and about two specific forcees: friction and tension. They examine the use of friction and tension in fabric arts while making their own creation to take home

One-time workshop

The Physics of Light and Color

Through fun, hands-on activities, this workshop introduces the concepts of energy, wavelength, frequency and their relationship to the colors we see in the world.

One-time workshop with follow-on The Chemistry of Color

The Chemistry of Color

This is a follow-on workshop to the Physics of Light and Color. It goes further into the concepts of energy, exploring through fun activities the concepts of reflection and absorption of light to better understand why the objects in the world around us have color. 

One-time workshop best done as follow on to the Physics of Light and Color

More Under Development!!!

Several new workshops are under active development, so please check back!

Keep checking back!!